Ozone treatment for biological clogging problems
Ozone treatment for biological clogging problems
Ozone is formed by passing oxygen through an electric discharge field (corona discharge method) or by exposing oxygen to ultraviolet radiation (UV ozone generation).
Ozone (O3), contains three oxygen atoms as compared to the two oxygen atoms in a normal oxygen molecule (O2). It is a very reactive gas and a powerful oxidizer. Ozone is an effective disinfectant and oxidizer of organic and biological contaminants. It will also oxidize and precipitate iron, sulfur, and manganese from water. Because ozone returns quickly to the pure oxygen form, it leaves no contaminants.
Ozone has been used in municipal and industrial water treatment applications for many years, but has had very limited use in irrigation water treatment due to its high cost. It is used in a few nursery applications where its additional capability of minimizing or eliminating waterborne disease organisms makes its high cost acceptable.